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hello world
DNA Technology was founded in 2018 and is part of the DNA Group. We help others grow using technology to solve real‑life, complex problems. Our focus areas are product engineering, infrastructure engineering and product development.

Partner, CEO at DNA Poland“For me DNA is a great adventure of discovering how to use our previous product developement experience in the service business. I know we are good in this, I want us to be a bit better each day."

Partner, CEO at DNA Technology“I appreciate the whole story of cooperation that is behind people forming DNA Technology. I feel strong with this background and empowered to do impossible things here and now."

Partner, Head of Engineering at DNA Technology"I always wanted to work in a place among people who inspire me and we do things that matter. Thanks to this, when I finish work I have energy to play other roles in my life and pursue passions that are important to me."

Head of Agile at DNA Technology"I'm driven by making important things in an efficient way. I like the feeling of being involved and devoted. I feel safe here, where I see same passion in others."